How to use: Put as many underscores as there are letters in your word. If you do know where exact letters are in the word, replace an underscore with the letter at that point.
E.g. In the word POWER, if we know where the W goes our word mask would be _ _ W _ _ (without spaces). This will show all words which are five letters long, with the third character being W.
However, the mask "__w__", there are over 230 words returned. We can further filter this entering letters that we know lie somewhere in the word, as well as by entering any letters that definitely are not in the word.
E.g. In the word POWER, we know the letters "E" and "R" are definitely in our word, so we enter them in the Must contain field as "ER".
Likewise, say we know that the letters "Z" and "C" are definitely not present anywhere in our word. So we enter "ZC" into the Must not contain field.